
Bi-monthly Quarterdeck, weekly updates by email, and a blog

​​​​​​​From 2023, we publish a bi-monthly ‘long read’ newsletter usually in the first week of the month. The latest newsletter is listed in the column on the right — as well as an archive of previous editions.

We also send a Latest News email weekly to Club members and others who subscribe. It’s a good idea for all family members to subscribe with their own email addresses to make sure everyone’s in the loop with Club happenings from sailing to social. Use the form below to subscribe.


Subscribe to Latest News Email​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Have you got a story to share?

Share your sailing anecdotes, stories, photos, and tales of daring-do with us!

Your fellow-members would love to read about your sailing adventures. It’s your contributions that make the DYC Newsletter such a good read. Reports of Club and social events, recent voyages, boat modifications, trips away, or adventures are always welcome.

Please submit your contribution as a Word file and photos in jpg format by email to the Editors:


We need your contribution by 27th of the month before publication. Later contributions may be held over to the next edition. If space in a current edition is limited, your contribution may also be held over to the following edition.