Application for Membership of Devonport Yacht Club Inc

Please complete and submit this form to apply for membership of Devonport Yacht Club. The Managing Committee will consider your application as soon as practicable after receipt of your fee payment and let you know the outcome of your application.

If you prefer, you can download an application form from the ‘Resources’ column on the right of this page, print it out, complete it manually, and hand it with your payment to the DYC bar team.

If not paid at the bar, fees to be paid by direct credit to Bank Account: 01 0137 0026279 00 using your name and ‘new member’ as reference.

Before you begin, make sure you have two current DYC members to propose and second your application.

If you don’t yet know any DYC members to propose and second your application, we invite you to come to the club on a Friday night when the duty Flag Officer can help you with this aspect of your application.

Note: New members are subject to a 6-month stand-down period, at the Haulage Master’s or Venue Manager’s discretion, before they may apply to use the slipway or take advantage of the venue hire members’ discount.